$33.00 AUD


Dimensions (mm)
93.000 x 55.000 x 38.000mm
Poids (cts)




TCW 878   CTS


SIZE L 93 X55 X 38   MM



A crystal is a solid material whose constituent molecules, atoms or ions are arranged in orderly geometrical patterns. Crystal shape is the expression of the mineral’s internal atomic structure. By volume and weight the largest concentration of crystals in the Earth is part of the Earth’s bedrock. Crystals are formed through magmatic and metamorphic processes during volcanic eruptions. In general larger crystals (crystalline rocks) were formed in areas of slow cooling molten rock, and smaller crystals in areas of more rapid cooling. Other crystals are also formed through precipitation of fluids (watery solutions), generally water, to form druses or quartz. However the temperature, pressure, chemical conditions and also the amount of space available are some of the factors that affect their development.


The scientific study of crystals is known as crystallography. The process of crystal formation is called crystallisation or solidification. The word crystal is derived from the Ancient Greek word κρύσταλλος (krustallos), meaning “ice” and “rock crystal”.


Even though there are thousands of minerals their crystal shape can be grouped on the basis of their symmetry. There are 7 categorical structure based on symmetry of the resulting crystals.


They are:

Cubic- has three mutually perpendicular axes of equal length (common forms are tetrahedron (4 faces), cube (6 faces), octahedron (8 sides), dodecahedron (10 sides), trapezohedron (24 faces) and hexoctahedron (48 faces)).

Tetragonal- three axes intersecting at 90 º, of two which are equal length (forming double pyramids and prisms).

Hexagonal- six sided prism

Trigonal- posses a single 3 fold axis of rotation

Orthorhombic- have three axes at 90 º, all have different lengths (forming rhombic prisms or dipyramids –two pyramids stuck together).  

Monoclinic- have three axes of unequal length, two intersect at an angle other than 90º (like skewed tetragonal crystals forming prisms and double pyramids).

and Triclinic- have three axes of unequal length (usually not symmetrical)


Optical characteristics are derived from their chemical composition and crystal structure. Optical characteristics include colour, optic character, refractive index, birefringence, dispersion, fluorescence, phosphorescence and clarity.


Is it good to own a crystal or crystals? Crystals are here on Earth to serve our needs.

Crystals and gemstones have been used and appreciated since humans walked on Earth. Their natural beauty and lustre provide endless source of fascination. Crystals are adornment for both our bodies and minds. They serve a useful role in enhancing our lives by the myriad of ways they can be used, through jewellery, mind and body healing. Crystals possess meditative and metaphysical characteristics and are used for personal development, soul and body work.


Crystals are said to provide clarity of mind and thought. Raises one’s vibration, balances auric field and initiates meditation state of mind.


Crystals help promote the well-being and health of the mental, spiritual and physical bodies through their ability to conduct electromagnetic currents and balance them. This can be seen through the use of quartz crystal which contains efficient electrical conductivity and is a feature on every clock, TV, PC and gadgets.


Crystals are available in: necklaces, pendants, rings, earrings, tumbled stones, crystal clusters, spheres, roughs, carvings, wands, pyramids, obelisks, pendulum and geometric shapes.


There is no better time to start wearing crystals than now. Wearing or carrying a crystal close to you will start you on a never ending personal journey of inward and outward discovery.

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  • anakie

    Thank you it's exactly as the picture love the design of the necklace

  • anakie

    Thank you it's exactly as the picture love the design of the ring and necklace

  • anakie

    Thank you it's exactly as the picture love the design of the ring and necklace

  • anakie

    Thank you it's exactly as the picture teardrop necklace

  • dembly

    One fossil is missing, another has fallen, a label has dropped into the frame, quite a few of the labels can't be read. I thought the fossil frames would be different, most but not all of them are the same. They sent two lovely bonus fossils

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