$25.00 AUD

0.43 grams Certified Ordinary Chondrite H3 S1 W3 Moroccan Meteorite.

BE 1084 - 32
Dimenzije (mm)
15.200 x 9.700 x 3.600mm
Težina (cts)

Certified Ordinary Chondrite H3 S1 W3 Moroccan Meteorite.

BE 1084

BE1084 is an H3 chondrite, full of little beautiful chondrules.

amazing Macro picture of a barred olivine chondrule .

Mineral abundances of barred olivine chondrules show that they are enriched in the feldspathic component compared to most chondrules. Pyroxene is rarely absent and is sometimes a major component. Pyroxene-rich barred olivine chondrules in type 3 chondrites correlate negatively with feldspathic glass-rich barred olivine chondrules, indicating that pyroxene formed at the expense of olivine bars. Barred olivine chondrules in ordinary chondrites decrease systematically in Cr2O3 and TiO2 with increasing petrologic type. FeO, however, shows a systematic decrease with petrologic type in H chondrites, no change in L chondrites, and a systematic increase in LL chondrites (Weisberg, 1987).

Meteorite Source

South East of Dakhla; located in the Western Sahara Desert, Morocco. Latitude and longitude coordinates for Dakhla are: 30°24'38.56"N, 9°33'20.59"W.

Meteorites were found in this area between Imlili, Aousserd and Tichla.

We visited Morocco in 2017 and visited areas where meteorites were found, but they were extremely difficult to find. In several hours we only found one small meteorite. Two images enclosed when we went fossicking for meteorites.

Please copy and paste link to view our trip and recommend you add to your bucket list fossil tours!


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26th Sep 2024


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Identifikacijski broj proizvoda : 47000
Počinje : 7th September 2024 02:34 pm AEST
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