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07/12/2023 01:49 pm

2 x New Books: Opal Passion - Base Body Tone Guide Included-Free Shipping

Dimenzije (mm)
25.100 x 19.500 x 5.000mm
Težina (cts)

Two books included and FREE shipping

Opal Passion Book: A Celebration of 34 Years in the Opal Industry

Discover the mesmerizing world of opals through my personal journey in this book. As a passionate opal enthusiast, I'm thrilled to share my collection of remarkable specimens and exquisite opal jewelry. You'll also find fascinating opal fossils, generously donated to the museum at the ridge.

To aid your understanding, the center page features a comprehensive base body chart, enabling you to identify black, dark, or crystal opals with ease.

Book Details:

  • Title: Opal Passion

  • Size: Large - 25.1 x 19.5 CM

  • Pages: 32

  • Weight: 129 grams

Embark on an opal-filled adventure and experience the allure of this queen of gems!

Pružatelj usluge dostave Dostava u Australia Dostava u ostatak svijeta
Express Shipping $12.00 / :dani dani $39.00 / :dani dani
Express Shipping je snižen na $12.00 na narudžbe s 2 ili više artikala
Ostatak svijeta
Express Shipping je snižen na $39.00 na narudžbe s 2 ili više artikala
Registered Shipping $9.00 / :dani dani $16.00 / :dani dani
Registered Shipping je snižen na $9.00 na narudžbe s 2 ili više artikala
Ostatak svijeta
Registered Shipping je snižen na $16.00 na narudžbe s 2 ili više artikala

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gem traders
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:ukupne povratne informacije

  • slatter

    Paid and shipped - no feedback left after 100 days

  • anakie

    Thank you it's exactly as the picture teardrop necklace

  • anakie

    Thank you it's exactly as the picture love the design of the ring and necklace

  • anakie

    Thank you it's exactly as the picture love the design of the ring and necklace

  • anakie

    Thank you it's exactly as the picture love the design of the necklace

  • dembly

    Absolutely love this, fast delivery. For my daughter's 18th and exactly as pictured. I had a large order and there were two beautiful bonus fossils sent with our order

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Vrsta unosa : Standard
Identifikacijski broj proizvoda : 42976
Početna ponuda : $25
Počinje : 30th November 2023 03:44 pm AEST
Završava : 7th December 2023 01:49 pm AEST
* Sve cijene su u :valuti