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Trenutna ponuda
04/01/2025 10:12 am

30 Cts Natural Amber Parcel from Poland code CCC2843


Dimenzije (mm)
20.000 x 15.000 x 7.000mm
Težina (cts)

 5 as per images, Nice cabochons

There are more 250 different shaded and 7 dominant colors identified in Amber
Yello,cognac,Red and green accounts for 2 % of production
Amber is heat treated a s standard practise

Amber   is said to help to balance the emotions, clear the mind and release negative energy.

Baltic Amber from Poland was a cottage industry till 1989 when Poland gained its sovereignty and many old factories changed to making lathes for cutting and polishing amber.

Poland had an Amber industry starting from the 16th centenary and is popular now as amber is available at still economical prices for  natural gemstones.

In the early days amber was collected off the beaches of the Baltic a sit floated

But now days small dredging teams   dredge from deposits in the forests bordering the Baltic sea  .

Amber is 35 -40  millions of years old and each piece is unique and distinct.
mixed size appro

Pružatelj usluge dostave Dostava Australia Dostava u ostatak svijeta
Express Shipping $12.00 / 2 $39.00 / 10
Express Shipping je snižen na $12.00 na narudžbe s 2 ili više artikala
Ostatak svijeta
Express Shipping je snižen na $39.00 na narudžbe s 2 ili više artikala
Registered Shipping $9.00 / 7 $16.00 / 21
Registered Shipping je snižen na $9.00 na narudžbe s 2 ili više artikala
Ostatak svijeta
Registered Shipping je snižen na $16.00 na narudžbe s 2 ili više artikala

30 Cts Natural Amber Parcel from Poland code CCC2843
Queensland, Australia
U vlasništvu gem traders

Povijest ponuda (1)
Prethodno kupljen od ovog prodavatelja
prije 2 mjeseca

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Vrsta unosa : Standard
Identifikacijski broj proizvoda : 22219
Početna ponuda : $119
Počinje : 24th December 2024 09:36 am AEST
Završava : 4th January 2025 10:12 am AEST
* Sve cijene su u AUD